Portland Runner Tackles New Distances With the Support of his Run Club
Portland’s Saúl Pacheco Elorza at a local trail race last year.
There’s no hiding that a consistent thread through the first seven weeks of this year’s Start Line Stories series has been the positive impact that run clubs have on runners. And this week’s subject — Saúl Pacheco Elorza of Portland, Oregon — is no different.
In June of 2023, Saúl moved to Portland from his hometown of Fresno, California. Before he was even done unpacking, Saúl was looking up run clubs nearby. Over the next few months, he tried a bunch of different ones and ultimately found the perfect fit: the Caminando Run Club. The club was started by local Portlander Cristian Vargas in 2022 to promote health and wellness through movement — both running and walking (caminando means “to walk” in English).
“I love the quote: “if you want to run fast, run alone; if you want to run far, run together,” Saúl said. “That’s exactly what joining a run club has done for me.”
Check out why in Saúl’s full Start Line Story below:
Name: Saúl Pacheco Elorza
Age: 27
Where are you from and where is home now?
I was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, moved to Fresno, California at the age of 5, and then moved to Portland in June of 2023.
What’s your local run club or training group and tell us about it?
I run with the Caminando Run Club based out of Portland. It’s such a great community! It feels cliché to say it, but it’s like a family. Before moving to Portland, I was super involved in two run clubs in Fresno — the Fresno Art Run and Grizzly City Run Club — so when I moved to Portland, I immediately started going to different run clubs. The one that resonated with me most was the Caminando Run Club. We meet once a week, and what I love most about it is how social it is. People are really open to talking to someone new, and it’s also open to all levels of running and walking, so it’s very welcoming to everyone.
Why Eugene 2025?
I drove up in June of 2023 to move to Portland with my sister and we stopped in Eugene to check out the UO campus. I saw Hayward Field and was blown away; and then I went to the Olympic Trials in 2024 and the stadium was just electric. I also heard great things about the marathon in Eugene and how you got to finish the race on the track — where so many superstars and Olympic champions have run — so I had to sign up!
Current Total Marathon Count:
1 — Eugene will be #2
Favorite road race or racing experience?
One of my favorite race memories was from back in 2018 when I signed up for a marathon relay with three friends. The morning of the race, I ran the first leg and after I was done, I found out that one of my friends who was supposed to run had slept in, so I called my other friend Ricky and he stepped up and finished and we got third as a team. We just had a great time and it was a fun memory.
What kind of training plan are you following and do you have a specific goal on race day?
I finished the LA Marathon last March in just under 4 hours and that was my goal: to break 4 hours. Now I’m a little more ambitious and I really want to hit sub-3:15. So I got a 3:15 marathon training plan through Caffeine Bullet and I tailored it to my personal needs. I’m running 4-5 times a week with some strength training and swimming.
Finish the sentence: What I love so much about running is _____
The community aspect. I love the quote: if you want to run fast, run alone; if you want to run far, run together.
That’s exactly what joining a run club has done for me. It’s been so great to form a community after moving to a new city, and that all happened because of running.
Why the marathon?
I was a wrestler in middle school and high school and it was super competitive. When I left wrestling behind in college, I missed the competitive aspect of it. With wrestling it’s all about putting in the work to get better, and I found that same challenge in running. I started running in college and ran a few half marathons, but I wasn’t very consistent. Then in 2021, I challenged myself to run more consistently and every year that commitment has increased. In 2023, I really wanted to run a marathon, so I signed up for a 20-week plan before LA. That 20 weeks felt so long, but it was the same process as in wrestling: just battling, overcoming challenges and pushing through. After LA, I was like, I’m in good shape, let’s do a 50K. And later this year, after Eugene, I think I’m going to do a 50-miler. But the marathon is just so challenging!
What started your running journey?
I was an engineering student in college and I wanted to try to stay fit too, so I tried lifting, but I only had so much time, and the college gym was packed, so I decided I’d pivot one day and go for a run. I realized running was something where I could just slip on some shoes, get out of the house and go for a run. It was the perfect activity in college. After college, I truly made it a habit. It started as a way to be active and stay healthy and it turned into a way to challenge myself and to build community.
Saúl will be at the start line in Eugene alongside a huge Caminando Run Club crew of almost 100 strong! Give him a follow on Instagram at @saulpruns and a big high five on race morning.